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All Screwed Up (Belial's Disciples Book 2) Page 10

  “I saw him in Lincoln. He used to be with the Alistair gang,” Drew explained.

  That made sense. When the Alistairs went down, the Horde took over Lincoln. The few gang members left standing had joined up with the new crew.

  “How did they infiltrate Grimsby Disciples?”

  “Well, Grimsby is far enough from Lincoln for them not to be known by sight.”

  “I guess they weren’t using their real names, either?”

  “You got it. They had complete dummy backgrounds. Even their bikes had false plates.”

  “Last night we took these off them,” Fred put some driver licenses on the table. “They’re fake.”

  They were excellent. I wouldn’t have spotted them.

  “I wouldn’t have thought the Horde being capable of pulling this off by themselves,” Drew said quietly. “The plan was well constructed and the paperwork perfect. It was clever, underhand, subtle.”

  “That business in Skegness and Durham last night is more their style,” Fred agreed. “Brutal, messy and totally in your face.”

  They’d heard, of course. Every Disciple in the country would know by now.

  “Scumbags,” Mitch growled. “Ripping us off is fair enough but why the sodding hell couldn’t they leave those girls alone?”

  I like Mitch. He’s a good bloke. He’s a Disciple but only because he wants to fit in. He truly lives for event management.

  “We’ll get our own back,” Fred said comfortably. “But for the next few weeks, we ramp up our security.”

  “Yeah, if I were the Horde, I’d attack us tonight or tomorrow, while we’re busy with the Rock Fest.”

  As I said, Fred and Drew have an incredible instinct for mayhem.

  “What do you want us to do?” Fred asked.

  Information is the foundation for success, so that was a no-brainer. “Bonnington is covered for now. You do the usual security at Perdition but keep your eyes and ears open. If you can, pump people to find out who’s making good counterfeit licenses.”

  Fred and Drew were nodding their agreement.

  “I’m going to ask around, too. We’ll meet up later today, and compare notes.”

  “Hey, these are good.” Lacy was back and examining the fake licenses. “Real quality.”

  “This is business.” I was ice, but of course, it made no difference.

  “It certainly is,” Lacy said. “You’re looking at a high-class counterfeiting operation. I guess you’ll be calling in your tame copper?”

  Not bloody likely but I wasn’t saying so. Unfortunately, Fred was opening his gap. “Best not.”

  Lacy’s eyes widened. “Your hearts aren’t beating as one?”

  It was fucking annoying to have her so quick on the uptake. “We don’t need him for this,” I lied.

  “Exactly.” Fred was back-pedalling as fast as he could. “We fix this kind of problem before breakfast.”

  Further conversation was killed as Brianne walked back in. “We need Chablis, and we’re also low on Merlot and tequila.”

  Mitch was twitching instantly. “I’ll get on the blower to the warehouse.”

  “We’ll double-check our gate security,” Fred said.

  “I’ve some details to work on here. I’ll join you in an hour.”

  The team went off, leaving me with Lacy. I checked my phone, noted Barrows hadn’t read my text yet, and was redirected to his voicemail once more. “Still nothing.”

  I was expecting her to rip up at me, but she merely shrugged. “He’s probably sleeping it off.”


  “You’re having problems with your inspector, huh?” Lacy was thinking out loud. “He’s new, isn’t he? I guess the old one was your mate and this one not so much?”

  She really was smart. “Exactly.”

  “Bugger, I’m going to be stuck here longer than I wanted.”

  “Don’t let me keep you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not leaving, not until you convince Jason to call off his heavies.”

  “It’s going to take a while.”

  “Because your lot are getting into it with the Horde?”

  Unless she had ears like a bat, she couldn’t have heard us chat, not over the range clanging away. “How do you know that?”

  “There’s like a hundred bikers on your lawn, and they’re all talking about it.”

  I should have known. “We’re a bit busy. You’ll have to be patient.”

  She sighed with annoyance, “Tell you what, here’s an incentive.”

  “Another threat?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Actually, no. Just that if you put my concerns at the top of the list, I’ll give you a bonus.” She posed mockingly, “Me.”

  “What?” For a moment, I couldn’t breathe. All the blood in my body was rushing south.

  Lacy was eyeing my boner. “You know you had a good time last night. I’m offering seconds.”

  That niggle of conscience that had almost bothered me died a death. I had made it clear I would keep my word, so if Lacy was comfortable with offering her body as an incentive, I wasn’t going to argue.

  “If that isn’t enough carrot,” Lacy grinned, “there’s also the offer of stick.”

  I was expecting a threat, and so I snapped, “What?”

  “Don’t sulk,” she chided. “I’ll let you work out some of your issues.”

  “I don’t have issues!”

  Lacy glanced at my phone. “You don’t want some spanking good fun?”

  I almost blew on the spot. Through visions of pert rounded arse, pink from smacking, I heard myself say, “It’s a deal.”

  Chapter Seven


  “Bratty little cow, thinking you’d blackmail me,” he growled. “Say you’re sorry.”

  I was bent over the bed, totally starkers, feet spread wide and panting with delicious anticipation. “Never.”

  Smack! His hand came down square on my arse. A second of numbness and then the searing heat of impact. “Well?”

  “Screw you.”

  “Sounds like you need six more.”

  Another smack, placed low.

  Another, right on top.

  A third, harder.

  His hand was rising and falling fast now, giving me no time to adjust. The fire spread and flamed. I was soaking wet, sucking in air with harsh gasps as he punished me. My nipples were hard, my breasts aching and I was dying to be screwed silly.

  “You sorry now?”

  “No.” But my body was throbbing. “Bastard.”

  “I’ll keep going, then.” Smack. Pause. Smack. Pause. Smack.

  I was panting, hovering on the edge, ready to banged into explosive release. “Now, Rex, now!”

  “Are you sorry?” He held on to my hips, his long, lean body keeping me in place.


  “Doesn’t sound sincere to me.”

  I looked over my shoulder. Rex was hard as oak, eyes narrowed with lust but he was holding off. Maybe permanently. “Oh, dear God, finish me!”

  “Revenge is sweet.”

  I can beg better than puppies. “Pleeeeeease?”

  The hard look melted, and then he grinned, “Oh hell, here we go.”

  The hot hard cock plunged into me, filling me completely, and pushing me closer to the edge. I arched to meet his possessive thrust, and then our bodies were dancing in perfect rhythm. We ground together, hot, wet and abandoned. Rocking underneath him, pounded by his slamming thrusts, I felt myself soar.

  “God, you’re perfect!”


  His hands were on my shoulders, holding me steady as he fucked me. His scent, musky and rich, floated about me. I spread my legs, feeling the rock-hard thighs against my soft flesh, insistent, merciless. The cock inside me throbbed, pulsed and then I was wailing.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus, yes!”


  “Don’t stop!”

  Blinding, pulsing, shimmering wave
s of exquisite release pounded through me. I couldn’t breathe, I was helpless as he drove me into a pulsating tsunami of delight.

  We were wound around each other, slowly undulating to a shuddering halt. I sucked in air, hot, sweaty and entirely sated, gliding back to earth. Gradually, I became aware of the hard mattress and the soft sheets beneath me. I floated in the comfort of it, feeling completely boneless, melting into a puddle of sweet satisfaction.

  He collapsed on top of me, the hard muscles writhing on my soft skin. The long arms were winding around me again, encasing me in sweet embrace while his lips nuzzled my neck. “That was the fuck of the century.”

  “Yes, I’m the best.”

  He chuckled, sending sweet ripples of after quakes rushing through me. “I was talking about me.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” I was feeling buttery. “That was even better than last night.”

  He was silent for a moment. “I was drunk.”

  “I noticed.” I was comfy, enjoying the weight of him on top of me. “Still bloody good, though.”

  “Don’t you have any sense?”

  That opened my eyes. “What?” Screwing my head around, I gazed into the heavenly eyes. “We had fun, didn’t we?”

  He was crushing me, “What if I’d beaten the fuck out of you?”

  “Oh, right.” I wriggled happily, back to enjoying myself. “What, you never tied someone to the bed before? Or giving them a good smacking?”

  His silence said he hadn’t.

  “Really? You’re a newbie?” I was putting it all down to first-time nerves. “Wow. Most newbies are way too soft. They need to grow into it. You’re a natural.”

  “A natural bastard,” Rex muttered. “And you’re fucking insane.”

  That’s when it hit me: cold-hearted Rex was feeling guilty. It astonished me, but I had the good sense to pounce on that. “Yeah, actually, come to think of it, I was a bit scared.”

  But it didn’t fly. “Don’t lie to me.” He rolled off me and lay next to me, but the arm gathered me to him. “You’ve got zero sense of self-preservation.”

  “What I have, is a problem,” I cast right back at him.

  “I know.” He sounded rather irritable, but then he sighed. “I will fix it. I promised, remember?”

  That didn’t impress me too much. Now Rex had had his fun, he was most likely to walk away. As I said, I’m not a nice girl, and so I had plenty of experience in this kind of deal.

  The first time I’d swapped sex for help I was fourteen. That’s when Dad went inside for three months on a possession charge. The courts had messed up, not realising Mum was gone, and so I was left at home alone.

  That was okay, but when the school called for a parent-teacher meeting, I was terrified of them finding out and reporting it. I didn’t want to be taken into care, and so I asked Robbie Mac, local misfit, and champion Anti Social Behaviour Order recipient, to stand in as ‘Uncle Robbie.’

  He’d demanded payment up front, a bonk with wonderful, glorious me. It hadn’t surprised me. Robbie always was a bastard. I’d agreed out of sheer funk, but like an idiot, I’d put out first. Of course, he’d disappeared immediately after he’d had me, the miserable sod.

  Robbie’s perfidy had been the first of some tough lessons. When Dad passed away three years later, a heart attack brought on by too many years of sex, drugs and rock and roll, I was left to fend for myself. I was just seventeen, and so it wasn’t easy. At times I got so starved for cash, that I stole. Yeah, those supermarket charges.

  Life improved when I got my first modelling job, but then the village I grew up in rejected me, and I had to leave my home. I did look for love, but my bad boy fixation meant I ended up with cheats, liars and finally, Jason.

  So with experience having taught me that I was on my own, I didn’t believe Rex, but I smiled because I had nothing over him. After all, he hadn’t flinched at my threat of talking to Harding.

  I rubbed against him in a meaningful way. “You fix this, and I’ll be very grateful.” Because keeping him sweet and promising more good times to come might stop him trying to back out.

  Rex yawned, “Sounds good.” Then he was ruffling my hair, which was a nice, friendly touch.

  Despite my doubts, I was feeling the afterglow. Rex was the best bunk up I’d had in years, maybe ever. Hard as nails on top, a sweet centre and a cock that never quit. It was perfection, and I was keen for a replay. “We can do this again, as a reward for a job well done. Play with some rope, maybe.”

  He gawped a bit, “You’re a nutcase, you know that?”

  “So that’s a yes?”


  I was burrowing in the warm cotton duvet, thinking a nap would be nice, when Rex leaped out of bed. “Bloody hell, is that the time?” Then he raced around like the White Rabbit. “I’m late!”

  He was washed, dressed and out of the door three minutes later, an efficiency no doubt honed from a solid background in man-whoring.

  With Rex busy, and nothing much going on outside, I decided to indulge myself. I had a nice long bath.

  When I climbed out, prune-like, it was still quiet outside. Looking out of the window, I saw Rex running around, directing the setting up of stages and stalls, and decided I would avoid being roped into unpaid labour. I’d never been to a stately home, so having the run of one of the most famous in the country, I went exploring.

  Trying all the doors, I found them all locked. The wide corridor ended up narrowing and splitting, and I got a bit confused in the maze but turning left every single time brought me to a wide staircase that led down into a baronial hall straight out of Robin Hood.

  Talk about amazing! The oak-panelled walls were loaded with paintings, and there were enough antiques for a museum. I walked past the suits of armour, and the hand carves cabinets topped with antique vases and classy knickknacks, drinking it all in.

  It was beautiful, but there was one portrait that had me staring. It was huge, life-sized, and it showed Rex as a teenager. He was whippet-thin, clearly a kid growing up faster than he was filling out, but what got me was his smile.

  Teen Rex had a beam like the sun, happiness just spilling out from him. There was no smouldering darkness, no edge of danger at all; this was a loving innocent, a youth filled with happy anticipation. I stared at it, and to my amazement, I felt tears pricking my eyes. “Oh fuck. Rex, what the hell happened to you?”

  Crazy, right? But I felt for him. I was standing there, blinking away those tears, when Rex blasted in from a side door. He had a cricket bat in his hand, obviously ready for trouble, but the second he spotted me, he sighed. “Oh, it’s you.” Then, snarkily, “I might have guessed.”

  Fred was right behind him, “I’ll switch off the alarm.”

  By which I gathered the place was wired for intruders. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t think.”

  Rex randomly checked doors, clearly on automatic. “We lock up for events. Keep to the bedroom and the kitchen.”


  Fred was grinning. “Sounds awesome if you ask me.” He was gazing at my legs. “I really like that dress. Are you sure you don’t want me?”

  “Come on. We’ve work to do.” Rex was pushing us up the vast staircase and back into the maze of corridors.

  “Have you spoken to Jason yet?”

  “Later, Lacy.”

  I wasn’t having that. “Look here, Rex. You promised -”

  “For God’s sake, not now!”

  “Yes, now!” I was yelling back, totally convinced he was pulling a Robbie Mac on me. “We had a deal!”

  But Rex was already gone. I ended up racing after him, getting lost in the mini corridors again before finally catching up with him outside the kitchen door.

  He was giving me a cold-eyed stare, but I wasn’t backing off. “I want a word with you!”

  “Again?” he asked sarcastically.

  I was going to blast him when we were interrupted.

  “Rex?” She was a slim s
trawberry blonde with a turned up nose and a stunning smile. The man hanging on her elbow was grinning fatuously, clearly smitten. She was wearing a summer dress, and he was sporting chinos and a short-sleeved shirt, but they reeked class and money.

  “Tiffany,” Rex calmed visibly. “It’s been ages. How are you?”

  “Good.” She air-kissed Rex and then patted her elbow anchor. “Have you met Richard Floyd-Wills?”

  “Of course. You’re Fishy’s little brother. Dicky, isn’t it?”

  Typical. All the upper crust know each other.

  “Yes, that’s me. I don’t think we’ve met since school,” Dicky observed.

  The rich all go to school together too. Eton, probably. Or Harrow.

  Rex was smiling. “That was a while ago.”

  They stood about, and then Tiffany blurted, “We’re getting hitched.”

  “Congratulations.” Rex didn’t miss a beat. “I hope you’ll be happy, Tiff. Dicky, you’re a lucky man.”

  It was super smooth, but that jaw was clenched again. I knew Rex was rocked.

  “Love this set-up,” Dicky said. “Your music fests are famous.”

  “There’s always a surprise act,” Tiffany giggled. “Who’s coming this time, Rex?”

  “Coldplay,” Rex said quietly. “But keep it under your hat.”

  “Ooooh!” Tiffany squealed. Then, to Dicky, “Didn’t I tell you? Rex is sooo clever. He lives for his events.”

  “Speaking of which, I have to see to a few things,” Rex said. “Congratulations again.” He kissed her briefly on the cheek. “We’ll have some champagne later, okay?” And then, still super smooth, he managed to walk away without seeming to bolt.

  “Was that your ex?” I was running at his side, keeping up with his long stride.


  “Did I hear you say, ‘Fuck off and mind your own business’ there?”


  “Right, well, call Jason and -”

  He whirled around, tight-lipped and ready to blast me. “I’ve had about enough of you!”

  I stood my ground and cut him off, “You gave me your word.” The crowd surrounded us so I knew he couldn’t kill me, but oh boy, did he want to. “Just fix my problem, and I’m out of your hair.” But I backed off a little, just in case.